Introducing CallStash For On-Premise and Virtual PBX

Posted 05 Oct 2021

More than 50% of customers across all age groups typically use the phone to reach out to a service team, making it the most-used channel for customer service. But many firms still fall short when it comes to providing excellent customer service because they’re unable to quickly retrieve – and act upon – their call recordings. 

We’re introducing CallStash for virtual PBX and On-Premise hardware environments. 

Modern businesses want software that provides secure long-term archiving, categorisation and retrieval of business-critical call recordings. But there are several challenges that complicate this. 

First, end users are often frustrated with setting up their call archiving solution. Poor integration with their existing technology leads to an underwhelming experience with data being hard to categorise and consequently difficult to retrieve when they need it most. Then there’s regulation. For many companies, increasingly stringent data protection means they’re risking not just the safety of their customers’ most sensitive information or hefty fines, but their hard-earned brand reputations. And finally, as these companies scale their operations, they often find their data storage fees growing accordingly. 

Extensive Storage 

CallStash offers a fully configurable disk size for call recording storage, enabling the end-user to extend their chosen storage size for On-Premise. This provides full end-user control to store their data in line with their broader business practices.

And it also means no more end of month nasty surprises when the bill comes through. They have one software licence with an annual software assurance fee. Simple. 

Highly Secured System 

The ability to archive, store and retrieve call recording data in a secure and compliant manner is not just a luxury, but a fundamental business requirement for many enterprises in highly regulated industries. 

CallStash allows such organisations to archive call recordings and maintain them securely, easily search and playback recordings, and purge historic data at the correct time. And there’s no need to separately licence an OS for the installation environment. 

Simple Call Location 

CallStash brings to the end-user flexible categorisation capabilities, which enables users to quickly locate call recordings by using timestamps, contact numbers and tags. This means they’ll continue to provide excellent customer service and increase accountability internally. As end-users look to build a fully compliant system to meet the stringent requirements of regulation such as GDPR and MiFID II, CallStash can form part of this. 

What you need to know 

  • CallStash for On-Premise is available for Pro unit and Multi-Tenant unit. 
  • CallStash requires only a single licence fee and an annual software assurance cost.  
  • You can allow users with administrator level rights to access the organisation’s recordings.  
  • Deployment path for call recording without additional packages, software or complex parameters to setup.

*For future releases, please contact your Account Manager for further information. 

Ultimately, CallStash helps end-users to securely keep a record of conversations and enables them to locate that data quickly. But the value goes beyond data management. CallStash empowers organisations to instil customer trust and confidence at a time when brand loyalty matters more than ever. 

Let’s talk 

CallStash provides an easy-to-use call archiving solution for organisations that require extensive storage capacity to manage their call recording database. 

If you would like to know more information, speak to us today.